Top 5 Mistakes To Avoid When Installing Siding On Your Home

If you're like most homeowners, you already know that Installing siding on your home is a significant investment, both in terms of time and resources. Done right, it can enhance your home's appearance and protect it against the elements. However, installation errors can compromise its function and longevity. Following are the top five mistakes homeowners make when installing siding and how to steer clear of them.

Overlooking Local Weather Conditions

Different siding materials are suited for varying climates. While wood siding may be aesthetically pleasing, it might not hold up well in damp conditions. Vinyl siding is versatile but can warp under extreme heat. Research and select a siding material that's appropriate for your geographical area. Ignoring local weather conditions can lead to premature deterioration, causing you to incur costly repairs or replacements.

Inadequate Preparation of the Wall Surface

Proper preparation is crucial for a successful siding installation. This includes cleaning the walls, removing any old siding, and ensuring the surface is smooth and even. Installing siding over a poorly prepared surface can result in uneven gaps or buckling. Additionally, failure to place a water-resistant barrier like house wrap beneath the siding can lead to moisture problems, which can, in turn, cause rot or mold growth.

Ignoring the Manufacturer's Instructions

Every siding material comes with a set of manufacturer's instructions that outline best practices for installation. Ignoring these guidelines can void your warranty and result in improper installation. Whether it's the type of fasteners to use or the optimal method for sealing joints, adhering to the manufacturer's instructions is paramount.

Failing to Account for Expansion and Contraction

Siding materials expand and contract with fluctuating temperatures. Failure to account for this can result in buckling or gaps in the siding. It's crucial to leave a small amount of space at the ends and corners to allow for movement. This ensures that the siding remains secure and intact regardless of weather changes.

Skimping on Quality to Save Money

Homeowners often look for ways to save money, which sometimes means opting for cheaper materials or labor. While this might result in initial cost savings, it often leads to higher long-term expenses. Poor-quality siding materials are prone to quicker deterioration and may require more frequent maintenance. Similarly, hiring inexperienced labor may result in mistakes that require costly fixes. Investing in quality materials and skilled labor can save you money and stress in the long run.

To learn more about siding installation, contact a local service provider.
