5 Basic Steps Of An Exterior Commercial Building Restoration

Commercial buildings sometimes feature vinyl or wood siding, but more often the building walls will be made of concrete, brick, stone, or stone veneer. Over time, these siding materials become dirty and dingy, and small damage like cracks and failed mortar can occur. A commercial building restoration service can repair and restore the exterior walls of your building so it looks good and performs like new again.

1. Initial Cleaning

All restoration services will typically begin with a thorough cleaning so that it is possible to properly assess the condition of the walls. For most commercial building materials, a pressure washer is used to blast the dirt and grime off the walls. Detergents may be used, depending on the severity of the grime buildup. Special cleaners may also be necessary if there are graffiti or mold stains on the walls. 

2. Damage Mitigation

If damage is found on the walls, such as cracks or stains that indicate water incursion, then your restoration crew will track down the source of the damage. For example, water damage on the lower section of a wall may indicate poor drainage from roof runoff. An updated guttering system to route water so it doesn't collect against the wall may be needed to mitigate future damage.

3. Basic Repairs

Once the wall is cleaned and damage sources are removed, then repairs can begin. For a typical brick or concrete wall, this may mean nothing more than filling minor cracks and replacing damaged mortar. Buildings with exterior cladding may need hole repairs or cladding replacement, depending on the severity of any damage. If a portion of a wall is badly damaged, it may need to be rebuilt or replaced.

4. Refinishing Options

You have a lot of options when it comes to finishing a wall, regardless of the material. You can opt for a basic paint job in a color that complements the building and the business brand. Cladding and veneer options can be chosen to totally upgrade the building's look. One example would be adding stone veneer on the lower half of a sided or concrete wall building. 

5. Final Sealing

If you opt for a painted finish or plain concrete on the exterior, then sealing can help prolong the restoration work. A thin coat of sealer protects paint from UV light and water damage, thus leading to a longer-lasting finish. Plain, unfinished concrete is somewhat porous, so a sealant coat prevents water leaks and staining on the concrete. 

Contact a commercial building restoration service if you would like to learn more. 
